
400 Richard St.
Breaux Bridge, LA 70517


(337) 332-1810


(337) 332-3300


Our Services

What Services We Provide

Our services are tailored towards your individual health and goals.

Long Term Personal Care Services (LT-PCS)

Provides help with activities of daily living for persons who may qualify for assistance under the program guidelines. Recipients get help with their activities of daily living include help with eating, bathing, dressing, grooming, housekeeping, preparing light meals, help with walking and toileting.

Community Choice Waiver (CCW)

Provides services in the home and in the community to individuals who are 21 years of age or older with a disability. All waiver services are guided by the Plan of Care that is based on the input from the information obtained from the recipient and/or family member. Services may include supervision or assistance with basic self care activities such as dressing, bathing, light housekeeping, and preparing meals.

The New Opportunities Waiver (NOW)

Provides services to recipients 3 years of age or older with developmental and intellectual disabilities and activity focused service. The NOW program allows recipients to also receive Support Coordination (Case Management) services according to state plan.

The Children’s Choice Waiver (CC)

Provides services in the home and in the community to individuals 0-20 years of age, who lives at home with their families, foster families, or who will leave an institution to return home. A youth who reaches the age of 18 and wants to work may choose to transition to a Supports Waiver program.

The Residential Options Waiver (ROW)

Provides services in the home and in the community to individuals of all ages who are eligible to receive OCDD waiver services. Supported needs are determined by Support Coordinator’s assessment. This program will assist individuals who transition from intermediate care facilities to their own home in the community.

The Early Periodic Screening and Diagnostic Testing (EPSDT)

Medicaid recipients 0-20 years of age are eligible to receive personal care services. The EPSDT (Personal Care Services) can provide services such as assistance with eating and preparing food, help with going to the restroom, accompanying to doctor's appointments, and home chores for the individual.

Supports Waiver

Provides services in the home and in the community to individuals 18 years of age or older. Provides options and meaningful opportunities through vocational and community inclusion for individuals.

VA Services

Provides help with activities of daily living for veterans who may qualify for assistance under the program guidelines. Recipients get help with their activities of daily living to include help with eating, bathing, dressing, grooming, housekeeping, preparing light meals, help with walking and toileting.

Coordinated System of Care (CSOC)/Short-Term Respite

Provides temporary direct care and supervision for the child/youth, ages 5-18 years old, in the child’s home or community-based setting that is not facility based. Provides services and support to children and youth, who have significant behavioral challenges or co-occurring disorders. This is a family driven program designed to provide time apart for the child and family to allow time to receive the services they need.

Coordinated System of Care (CSOC)/Independent Living Skills Building (ILSB)

Provides services to assist children, ages 14-21 years old, who are or will be transitioning to adulthood with support in acquiring, retaining, and improving self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to be successful in domains of employment, housing, education, and community life.

Private Pay Services

Provides help with activities of daily living for children, adults, and elderly of all ages. Individuals can get help with their activities of daily living such as help with eating, bathing, dressing, grooming, housekeeping, preparing light meals, accompanying to doctor's appointments and social activities, help with walking and toileting. Companion care services are also provided.